AHEC 16th Southeast Asia & Greater China Convention

Why Tianjin, China?

Tianjin is one of the four autonomous municipalities in China and neighbors the Capital, Beijing. It is also home Xingang, one of the largest container ports in China. Transportation on a high speed train from Beijing South Station is only 30 minutes to the Centre of Tianjin. Being the heart of the Hebei province and the transportation hub of the region, Tianjin has become an important timber processing and distribution city. Tianjin Xingang - the container port facility has been escalated to the fourth biggest container port in China handling millions of containers in the past few years. Tianjin is a hub known for its timber trade with millions of cubic meters of log and lumber being yearly distributed to the neighboring cities. It supplies the rapid development of the furniture and joinery industries. There are over 7,000 timber product enterprises in Tianjin and Hebei province producing furniture, flooring, doors and joinery meeting the growing demand of China's domestic consumption and global markets.

The Convention will open on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 with a media conference and a SEA and Greater China market briefing for AHEC members by individual country associations followed by a reception. On Thursday, June 26, 2014, the Convention opens to all pre-registered delegates with a focus on traders/importers/manufacturers/distributors/designers and AHEC members and media. During the Convention day on June 26, 2014, there will be a mini trade show and reception where the AHC members/US hardwood companies will get a table and signage to network with the traders.

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